🎉What's New
Release Notes for new product functionality
Release Notes
Our Release Notes have moved to a monthly announcement that is sent to you on Slack, Teams, or via e-mail. Please contact the Rasgo Team if you have any questions.
May 30, 2023
AI Insight Improvements
Toggle between table and visualization view on your insight
Exclude datasets from the AI
May 22, 2023
AI Manager
Write notes in natural language to teach the AI agent about your data
Ask follow up questions
When you want to tweak the AI-generated SQL query, ask a follow up question
May 11, 2023
AI Insights are now in Preview!
AI Insights are answers to ad-hoc natural language questions
They include a SQL query, data visualization, and interpetation of the output data with natural language
April 4, 2023
Generate your transform with natural language!
Rasgo uses AI to parse your question into a SQL Transform and run it for you
NOTE: this feature is experimental and outputs should be manually reviewed
March 28, 2023
New Canvas Experience
The new canvas experience for constructing queries is simpler and easier to use according to our beta testers! Try it out next time you're building a query.

March 7, 2023
App Home Tab
Apps now have a built-in home page to make it easy to navigate and learn what's in the app

February 24, 2023
Calculated Fields in Pivot Tables
Use the formula toggle to build your own calculated columns within a pivot table
February 21, 2023
Side Navigation 🎉
One of our most common user requests is more screen real estate when you're analyzing data in a Rasgo App... so we've moved from a top navigation to a side nav menu!

February 17, 2023
Subscriptions! 📧
Now you can subscribe to your favorite bookmarks to get a CSV e-mailed to you each morning

February 12, 2023
New "Profile Column" transform

February 9, 2023
View the SQL for any tile in an app
Start a query with any tile in an app

February 7, 2023
Want to see more than 25 rows? Now you can request more rows when previewing data in Rasgo

February 6, 2023
New "New Columns" transform
This transform makes it easier to build new columns using your data warehouse's SQL syntax with auto-complete of column names as you type
January 30, 2023
dbt core support
Use PyRasgo to push your dbt core manifest file to Rasgo on a schedule
Rasgo will parse your manifest file and maintain datasets and metrics for each dbt source or model
January 27, 2023
App Bookmarks 📕
When you get that perfect personalized view of your data in an App, save it as a Bookmark
Bookmarks have unique URLs and are shared with everyone in your organization, so you can use them to collaborate and always get back to the data you need
January 16, 2023
App Variables 🎉
Use variables in Apps to personalize all of the queries that an App generates
For example, make a variable for 'Region' so the App user can set the variable once, but it updates all queries to filter to that Region
January 10, 2023
Apps are friendly, interactive user interfaces for consuming your data in Rasgo
They can include metrics, queries, and existing datasets
They are fully interactive and dynamic... each change in an app can update a query, generate a visualization, and more
Find 'Apps' on your top navigation bar in Rasgo
December 6, 2022
Calculated fields on metrics, aka Secondary Calculations
Add calculated fields to your visualization including period over period, period to date, prior period, and rolling window

November 28, 2022
Personalize your home page with Tags!
Use the 'Filter by Tags' buttons to see popular metrics and datasets with specific tags

November 14, 2022
Want to organize your datasets, queries, and metrics for easy browsing? Now you can with 🏷 tags!
dbt Cloud integration
Rasgo will automatically ingest dbt cloud metadata about your models and metrics so you can use them instantly! Follow these instructions to setup the Integration:
November 7, 2022
Categories on queries
Now you can categorize your queries just like you can with datasets
Static argument values in accelerators
Want to hard code an argument value so that your users don't have to manually input everything? Now you can!

October 31, 2022
Activity Feed
See a feed of events tied to your datasets and metrics in the Activity tab

New tabs for metrics
Trends to analyze your metric
About to see metadata and description
Data sample of the dataset that this metric is part of
Activity for the event feed

October 26, 2022
Transform Manager
Manage your accelerators and transforms in one spot
Find the transform manager by clicking on your initial in the top right corner of the app and then selecting Manage Transforms

October 21, 2022
New Dataset Tabs!
About tab now includes both the user-created description and all Rasgo and Data Warehouse metadata
Data Sample moved to the Data tab
Lineage moved to the Lineage tab

Multiple Owners on a Dataset
Now you can add multiple people as owners on a dataset instead of just one
October 20, 2022
Home Page!
Search, import data, and see the most popular datasets and metrics all in one place

October 17, 2022
Global Search
Search for any metadata in Rasgo and find all of the metrics, datasets, and queries that match
Global search results preview Column Dictionary
Document your column labels and descriptions using markdown in Rasgo!
Find the column dictionary as a tab on any Rasgo Dataset

October 11, 2022
1-Click Metric Comparison
Metric profiles have a shiny new "Compare With" button that lets you choose 1 or more metrics to add to the visualization... and they don't even have to be in the same dataset!

October 1, 2022
Refresh Dataset
One button to click when you need to sync changes from your data warehouse to Rasgo
For Rasgo datasets, Refresh Dataset will re-run the SQL to generate the dataset
For datasets registered directly from your data warehouse, Rasgo will just re-sync the table schema

Date part bug fix
Updated the list of available date parts to include all valid options, as dictated by your data warehouse
September 27, 2022
New Navigation!
We're saving your mouse, one click at a time...
Three main tabs (Metrics, Datasets, Queries)
Relevant sub-tabs based on which item you select in the list
Use the '<' button on the sidebar to collapse it when you need to focus 😎
September 19, 2022
CTEs Everywhere
All queries created in Rasgo will now run as CTEs until they are saved as Datasets
This is a purely technical change to minimize the number of objects created and tracked in the data warehouse
User verification
Datasets and their associated metrics can optionally have an 'Owner' specified
Once selected, the 'Owner' can Verify the datasets and metrics so that other users know they can trust them
Ratio Metrics
Add a metric of type 'Expression' to create ratio metrics or other mathematically computed metrics
September 12, 2022
Filter Enhancements
Filtering columns just got a whole lot easier with auto-complete and new filter types for checking against a list of values

September 3, 2022
No more Rasgo versioning
Ability to overwrite an existing dataset with a new query via the UI
Rasgo does not track versions, but supports roll-back to an old iteration of a dataset via an offline artifact (we recommend automatically storing these in Git using our Git Integration)
A Rasgo dataset maps 1:1 to a fully-qualified table name in your data warehouse
PyRasgo version 2.0.0!
Ability to overwrite an existing dataset, which will change the SQL logic that creates the associated fully-qualified table name
Publish new datasets from offline artifacts with
August 30, 2022
Toggle and see the underlying chart data when you're looking at a chart

SQL Mode in all filters!

Calendar date-picker for filters on date columns

August 26, 2022
Metric Deep Links
When you get that metric chart looking just right, you should be able to share it... now you can! Just copy the URL and it will preserve your date settings, group bys, and filters
August 22, 2022
GitHub Integration!
Rasgo integrates with your code repository via our new GitHub app
Once you install the app via https://app.rasgoml.com/profile, any changes made in Rasgo will automatically update the
branch in your repo and trigger a pull request to merge the changes toMain

Dataset + Metric Verification via Git
Datasets and Metrics now have verification statuses when viewed in the Rasgo UI, driven by our new GitHub integration
When datasets or metrics are created or edited, triggering the pull request in GitHub, they are marked as 'In Review'
Merging the pull request triggers an update for Rasgo to mark the included datasets or metrics as 'Verified'
August 10, 2022
Code View on the canvas
See all of the SQL generated in your canvas by selecting the 'Code View' tab
Make changes directly in the 'Code View' tab, and overwrite the 'No-Code View'
August 1, 2022
Drafts show on their own tab on home page: My Drafts
Datasets tab only shows 'Published' datasets
Markdown editor for descriptions
Create and preview markdown descriptions on your datasets
Show 10 unique values for a column when adding a filter

July 25, 2022
Metric-aware chart builder
Build charts using a mix of metrics and regular columns
Supports group by for dimension drill down, filters, pre-built time ranges, and more!

July 11, 2022
View metrics on the home page with the new metrics tab
Publish metrics on a dataset
Explore metric values via the metric profile page
Metric sparklines, via metric values cached in your warehouse and updated at the time grain frequency of the metric (i.e. daily metrics update each night)
For more info:
July 6, 2022
⭐ Favorites: Click the ⭐ on your favorite datasets to make sure they always show up at the top on the home page

July 5, 2022
Updated Access Data experience, via the 'Access Data' button on the top right of every dataset page
June 29, 2022
Multiple dashboards in Insights: Support for multiple dashboards in a single dataset, using tabs

June 21, 2022
SQL Generator, a free tool that enables anyone to generate a complex SQL query without writing a line of code
May 17, 2022
📣 Dashboards 📣
Each time you add a new chart, it will get dropped into the dashboard alongside existing charts
You can drag and resize each chart window to adjust the layout of your dashboard

May 6, 2022
Exporting datasets to dbt: added
function to convert datasets into dbt project files
Last updated
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