
Rasgo makes it easy for you to get the stats for any feature stored within Rasgo from Python without needing to use the GUI. Once you have a feature, you can get its stats by calling get_stats.

feature = rasgo.get.feature(id)

fstats = feature.get_stats()

You can access the individual stats either directly as


Or create a dictionary and work with the stats in the dictionary

fstats_dict = fstats.dict() fstats_dict['meanVal']

The available statistics are:

If you have recently uploaded a dataframe with publish.features_from_df, you can easily get these statistics for each column in a pandas dataframe. publish.features_from_df Returns a featureset

featureset = rasgo.publish.features_from_df(df, dimensions, features, granularity, tags)

You can get a list of features contained in this featureset using get.features_by_featureset. features = rasgo.get.features_by_featureset(featureset.id)

And you can create the stats dataframe for this list of features (or any other list you’ve created) by

fstatlist = [] for f in featurelist: statdict = f.get_stats().dict() statdict['featureName'] = f.name fstatlist.append(statdict) df = pd.DataFrame(fstatlist)

Last updated