Argument Types
Rasgo transforms use type
within the arguments
specification in each transform's YAML configuration file to trigger a user-friendly input in the UI.
Here's a master list of the argument types that Rasgo supports:
argument type | description | values |
agg | Aggregation method | [SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, MODE, AVG, MEDIAN] |
agg_dict | A dictionary where one or more aggregations are provided for each column selected | |
boolean | A binary value | [TRUE, FALSE] |
cast_value_dict | A dict where the keys are columns and the values are the new type to cast them to | |
column | A single column selector | |
column_list | A selector for multiple columns | |
column_value_dict | Dictionary where a string value is provided for each column selected | |
conditional_list | A nested list. In each inner list the first element would be the condition to check, and the second the value with which to fill | |
custom | The custom SQL transform template to apply | |
date_part | a date part of a datetime value | [DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, QUARTER] |
datepart_dict | dict where the keys are names of column(s) you want to datetrunc and the values are the desired date grain | |
imputation_dict | Dictionary with keys as column names to impute missing values for, and dictionary values the type of imputation stratgey ('mean', 'median', 'mode', ) | |
int | A integer | |
int_list | A list of integers | |
join_dict | Columns to use for the join. Keys are columns in the source_table and values are on columns in the join_table | |
join_type | Type of Join to use | [LEFT, RIGHT, or INNER] |
math_list | List of math operations to generate new columns. For example, ["AGE_COLUMN + 5", "WEIGHT_COLUMN / 100"] | |
mixed_list | a list of strings, numbers, or column names | |
mixed_value | a string, number, or column name | |
table | a Rasgo Dataset | |
table_list | A list of Rasgo Datasets | |
timestamp | timestamp string | |
string | A string | |
string_list | A list of strings | |
value | a string or number | |
value_list | a list of strings or numbers | |
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